My name is Ron Nilson. This blog is where I share my deep concern for the welfare of all animal species.
I'm a reformed capitalist and recovering consumer who believes the human race must radically adjust its priorities regarding the planet, its ecology, and its inhabitants.
All life is sacred and deserves equal protection from the misguided influence of ignorance and greed. I'm not an expert, just one guy doing what he can to spread the gospel of love and unconditional positive regard for animals everywhere.
Animals can be great teachers if we're willing to listen. The measure of humanity's evolution in consciousness can be determined by the enlightened attitudes, or lack thereof, with which we treat our animal brethren.
Retirement has afforded the freedom to pursue my real purpose in life. Besides advocacy, I'm also an artist, self-published poet and Reiki master.
The Mission
While the site is primarily a blog, we also want to include easy access to useful information about important issues related to animal welfare, including animal rights, food choices, the environment, holistic treatments, spirituality and cruelty free products.
My own personal interest concerns the growing awareness of how spirituality plays a role in the welfare of animals. The emergence of animal ministry as an increasingly accepted component in the care of both animals and their caregivers will also be explored.
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